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This trophy can only be obtained once you have unlocked the 4th trial of the Chocobo Trainer which is the Catcher Chocobo Training Course. Remember if you lose the first bracket then you are out of the Tournament. This trophy is not as simple as just dodging a total of 200 lightning bolts because it has to be 200 Consecutive Lightning Bolts so just to point out the difference and don't forget this has to be done in 1 sitting.
The first 68 Music Sphere will cost 2,000 Gil each and a total of 136,000 Gil to buy all. I met this in the other thread, but the PS1 version of the skipping rope is significantly easier, especially if you had the PAL version which is 50hz. Always have a look at the CTB to use your turns effectively. As final fantasy ix trophy guide the current-gen re-release ofthe cheats essentially make the north easier in a variety of different ways. From the Travel Agency head north and you should spot a soldier by the lightning tower. For this Dark Aeon battle, you will need to defeat Dark Yojimbo 5 times. Tournament only has 3 games and there's also a for that you will get seeded and just play 2 games. If the bribe misses just bribe it with 1 Gil until it goes away.
With the cheats and the speedhack not even affecting the timer, that trophy is just a waste of 10 hours as it is now. High Speed Mode How to use it: Press R1 while on the pause screen. Once you managed to capture every fiend on those 2 areas, talk to the old man and he will give you the Blossom Crown Key Item.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT trophy list revealed - Take note that each Celestial Weapon starts out with a No AP ability rendering it completely useless for the time being until you upgrade it.
The trophies listed in this guide are arranged in XMB order Soft Reset You can easily quit the game and go back to the title screen by pressing + + + + at the same time for the PS3 and :ls: + rls: + for the PS Vita Standard Sphere Grid versus Expert Sphere Grid The Standard Grid is bigger and has more nodes to activate and more empty nodes to fill up than the Expert Grid. For the Standard Grid, every character has their respective starting point and some grid lines that leads to another characters path is blocked by some spheres that requires key spheres to unlock it. It's easy to get stats go pass by the 200 mark and even max out once you have went around the whole grid. The Expert Grid on the other hand is smaller and has fewer nodes to activate and fewer empty nodes than the Standard Grid. All characters starts near the center and you can easily go over to someones path like for example, Yuna can easily go over to Lulu's path and learn Black Magic Spells and Lulu can easily go to Yuna's path and learn some White Magic Spells. When you have went around the grid some stats will only end up at 150 to 180 mark and you have to farm the rest in the monster arena. Bribing Monsters for Items Bribe is a Special ability that you can learn on Rikku's path and the advantage of bribing monsters is that not only they will just go away without fighting, they will also leave items that are hard to farm and just steal. You will be using this for getting items for abilities like Auto-Haste. More information will be here at the section below the guide and for a full list of monsters and items you can bribe go here on this. Earning Gil Fast Later at the Omega Ruins you will be fighting Zaurus and beside it is a treasure chest. Use steal for a chance that a Mimic will appear. Defeating Zaurus and the Mimic can make you earn 50,000 Gil a battle and 100,000 Gil with Gillionaire The Godhand Celestial Weapon has this ability when fully upgraded. Alternatively you can go to the Monster Arena and keep on fighting One-Eye then just sell the equipment that it will drop ranging from 10,000 to 60,000+ gil. More information about One-Eye at the section below the guide. Finding 4 Slotted Weapons and Armors These equipment are only gonna be sold at the end game by Wantz at the entrance of Macalania Woods. In order for him to appear there you must talk to him while you are on your journey to Zanarkand. You will meet him in Mt. Gagazet, you can't miss him since he will be at the center of a path you're gonna pass by. He is wearing blue clothes if you need more clue who he is. Once you get access to the airship you can find him at the entrance of Macalania Woods. Best Starting Blitzball Players There are 3 blitzball trophies in the game and you will need the help of some blitzball players with good stats than the starting players of the Aurochs. I recommend doing this once Wakka has participated in 450 battles so that his Overdrives will appear as prizes when playing Blitzball. Maybe best done during the endgame when you have the Airship. In order to recruit players you must press to a certain NPC. Not all NPC will have an option that will appear if you press on them. You can find him at Luca Stadium - Main Gate. You can replace him with Nimrook later. You can find him at the Airship For this step, just go through the storyline and enjoy the game. When you are inside the Cloister of Trials, make sure that you collect the Destruction Sphere Treasure Chest Reward on your first try because if you missed the items at Besaid and Macalania Temple, the only time you can go back and redo the trial is when you have the airship but the path to those temples are blocked by Dark Aeons and they are troublesome since at this point your characters are still too weak to go against them. Refer to the on how to get the mentioned treasure chests. For the Jecht Spheres if you want to get all of Auron's Overdrive early, you can go back to Besaid and while going back you can also collect the other Jecht Spheres along the way. If you save this later when you already have the airship, one Jecht Sphere is blocked by a Dark Aeon at that point thus making you save this trophy later when you already have powered up enough to stand a chance against the Dark Aeons. If you haven't acquired all the Jecht Spheres and the optional Aeons until this point then this is the best time to collect them since you can vanquish some of the Dark Aeons blocking some of the requirements for these trophies easily. You also have a good chance against Omega Weapon around this point and you can go back and face him and don't forget to use Kimahri's Lancet ability to get his final Ronso Rage. If you missed it you can still learn the Final Ronso Rage from Nemesis. For Nemesis you will be facing it at the Monster Arena and for Penance, it will appear after you beat all the Dark Aeons. Take the Glyph Sphere and go down the set of stairs and insert it on the door. Take back the Glyph Sphere you inserted at the door and move along the pathway and insert it on the hole you first see to open up a room with a Destruction Sphere but leave it there first. After that, move on to see a pedestal and some symbols at the opposite side. Examine the symbols to open up a wall and take the Besaid Sphere and insert it on the pedestal but after that, do not move on yet. Head back to where you inserted the Glyph Sphere and take the Destruction Sphere and insert it on the area where you got the Besaid Sphere to reveal a treasure chest and make sure to open it up before you continue with the trial. After opening the treasure chest, push the pedestal that Tidus had pushed earlier and go all the way to the end to activate an elevator for you to go down and this will complete the trial. You can unlock this trophy after you have won your first Tournament match. It is the second option on the Blitzball menu and it become available after 3 Blitzball games or after entering the Blitzball menu 3 times. Tournament only has 3 games and there's also a chance that you will get seeded and just play 2 games. Remember if you lose the first bracket then you are out of the Tournament. If you lose the second bracket then you will battle out for the third place. Your goal is to win the Championship and claim the first place prize so that you can get both the reward and also the trophy. Check out for more information about Blitzball. You can unlock this trophy when you reach the Calm Lands. Find the Chocobo Trainer and her location depends on where you enter the Calm Lands. You have to unlock all 4 training course since the 4th one has something to do with The battle with Yunalesca occurs after you finish the Cloister of Trials in Zanarkand. I recommend that before you enter this battle, have your Aeons at Full Overdrive to help at the battle later. This battle has three stages since Yunalesca has three forms for you to defeat. Battle Strategy: 1st Form For the first form, start of with two of your best damage dealer which should be Tidus then either Auron or Wakka. Have Tidus cast Hastega first on the party then have Yuna use Reflect on both Tidus, Auron or Wakka whoever is the third one and just keep on attacking Yunalesca. The reflect should guard both damage dealers from being afflicted by Blind. If Yuna has Holy with her then cast Reflect also on Yuna and use Holy against Yunalesca and this should deal 9999 damage. Just like before have your best damage dealers do the damage. When Yunalesca uses Hellbiter, the party will be afflicted with a Zombie status and this can be cured by using Holy Water. If you don't cure it Yunalesca will be casting healing spells on your party members so cure it for now with Holy Waters. If Yuna has the time to use Holy then keep at it and Yunalesca should go down quick. NOTE: When Yunalesca is already dying, have her use Hellbiter on you but DO NOT cure it. It will help you keep alive on the third phase. The 3rd phase should be very easy with Aeon Overdrives. I expect that you haven't used your Aeon Overdrives yet so now is the great time to use it. Cast Haste on Yuna then start out with Bahamut and use Mega Flare and if you are lucky that he isn't afflicted with Curse, Grand Summon him and use Mega Flare again and that should wipe out half of Yunalesca's HP since Bahamut starts out with a Break Damage Limit. After the battle, you will be rewarded with the trophy. The final battle with Seymour occurs after you head inside Sin. Have Bahamut at Full Overdrive or better if you have Anima then also have her at Full Overdrive then this battle will end quick. Battle Strategy: Here is how those 4 wheels work. If all of the wheels have the same matching color then Seymour will be using -Ga Spells Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga and Waterga four times. If only 2 of the wheels have the same matching color then Seymour will only use -Ra spells of the same type two times. If there are no matching colors then he will use -Ra spells of all elements once. You can change the color of the wheel by attacking it physically which will cause the wheel to spin to the left while attacking the wheels with magic will make it spin to the right. Start the battle with Tidus casting Hastega and have Yuna cast NulBlaze since Seymour starts out with Firaga then after that cast all Nul-Element. Have Auron use his Banishing Blade Overdrive to inflict breaks on Seymour then have your best black mage and attacker deal the damage. When his HP is around the half mark then it is time to use your Aeon Overdrives so start out with Bahamut or Anima then this battle should be over. If you have all Celestial Weapons then all of your Aeon Overdrives should exceed 9999 damage so if you want, you can start the battle immediately by using all of your Aeon Overdrives. This trophy can only be done while you are on the Thunder Plains. While you are there at the plains, lightning will strike down and you can dodge this by pressing when the screen flashes. A tutorial will be given when you first enter the plains. You cannot button mash by the way so this requires precise timing. This trophy is not as simple as just dodging a total of 200 lightning bolts because it has to be 200 Consecutive Lightning Bolts so just to point out the difference and don't forget this has to be done in 1 sitting. Your counter will reset back to 0 if: -Tidus gets hit by a bolt -You have exited out of Thunder Plains -You have touched a save sphere -You entered the Travel Agency Before attempting to do this, I recommend getting first an equipment with a No Encounter Ability so that you don't get screwed up on your timing and your counting. You can get an equipment like this from Geosgaeno, Ghost-type enemies and Demonolith. Once you have that go to the South area of the Thunder Plains and find this crater. See the picture below. Going by this crater will force the game to send a lightning to strike down on you. When you try to pass by the crater a lightning should strike down and after you have successfully dodged it, just run around see the 2 black points in the middle of the arrows? Repeat this process until you get 200 bolts. This method makes dodging lightning bolts easier and safer instead of just running around or standing by some other place and you don't even know when will a lightning strike down. At least for this area, you are sure to get struck down by a lightning and all you need is some patience and precise timing so that you don't get screwed up in the middle. Going by this method, it should take at least 15 minutes to do and complete. Once you managed to dodged 200 Consecutive Lightning bolts, head back to the Travel Agency and outside should be a treasure box. The prize for dodging 200 consecutive lightning bolts is that you will be awarded with the Venus Sigil Anima is one of the powerful Aeons that you can get access to near the end of the game. While Anima doesn't have any Cloister of Trials to go through, her Fayth is blocked by a seal and in order to open it, you will need to use the Destruction Spheres from the Cloister of Trials of Besaid, Kilika, Djose, Macalania, Bevelle and Zanarkand Temple and open the treasure chest rewards that are revealed upon using the Destruction Spheres. The Destruction Sphere at Bevelle Temple is not missable so you don't have to worry about it. If you missed the Destruction Sphere from the other temples, you can always go back to it and redo the Cloister of Trials. Once you managed to use all Destruction Spheres and opened the corresponding treasure chest, the next step is you will need to locate her temple. In order for you to get access to Anima's Temple. This will let you get access of Baaj Temple and you will need to defeat a boss first before it's safe to enter the temple. Once inside the temple, check the 6 statues and interact with it. Each statue should have a glowing symbol if you managed to use the Destruction Sphere and opened the treasure chest reward on each temple. Yojimbo is found at the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth which is in the Calm Lands. When going to Mount Gagazet, you will have to cross a bridge but instead of crossing the bridge, head right to find another path which leads to another area and a cavern. Inside the cave are fiends and when you get to the end of the cave you will be facing Yojimbo himself. After you defeat Yojimbo you can now negotiate with him by using the teleporter at the middle of the room and teleport north to gain access to the Chamber of the Fayth. NOTE: Before negotiating with Yojimbo he will be asking you how you will be using his power. This will be one of the factors determining the likelihood that Yojimbo will be performing the Zanmato attack which can literally annihilate any enemy including boss types. After that you will be negotiating about his price before he joins you. The offer starts out at 250,000 Gil and you can lower it by offering 125,001 Gil. He will be asking for 225,000 Gil next and you can cut it down by offering 112,502 Gil. It will be then lowered to 202,500 Gil. If your offer is too low he will refuse to join you. Once you managed to negotiate the price with him then he will join you and be rewarded of this trophy. Before you can get to the temple of the Magus Sisters, you will first need to have a chocobo which is related to the trophy Chocobo License. After that, to get to Remiem Temple, go to the southeastern part of the calm lands to find a feather which will let your chocobo fly to another area that leads to Remiem Temple. Once inside the Remiem Temple you will facing Belgemine and her Aeons. You should notice that the Chamber of the Fayth is blocked by a seal and in order to remove this seal you will first need to defeat Belgemine, well her Aeons that is. Once you defeat Bahamut you will be rewarded of the Flower Scepter Key Item which is one of the items required to break the seal. The second item for the seal is for you to capture every fiend in the Calm Lands and Mount Gagazet which can be done by purchasing the weapons with the Capture ability from the old man at the Monster Arena. The Monster Arena is located in the Calm Lands. It's along the right side of the map which near the path heading to Mount Gagazet. Once you managed to capture every fiend on those 2 areas, talk to the old man and he will give you the Blossom Crown Key Item. After you have both Key Items, head back to Remiem Temple to break the seals to the Chamber of the Fayth and be rewarded of the Magus Sisters and also the trophy. In order to get this trophy, you will first need to have access to the final dungeon which is inside Sin. After that is when you can finally buy everything because some Movie Spheres are related to getting inside that dungeon first. Once you have access to the dungeon mentioned above, return back to Luca and in order to find the theater, go to the intersection where the path splits to three this is where Tidus first taught Yuna how to whistle. Going West leads to the Stadium, going to the East leads to the Plaza and a Cafe and going to the North will lead you to the theater. When you reach the theater, there will be two NPCs where you can buy either a Music or a Movie Sphere. The first 68 Music Sphere will cost 2,000 Gil each and a total of 136,000 Gil to buy all. After you buy the first 68 Music Sphere, talk to the NPC again who is selling Music Spheres to buy another 3 Special Music Sphere and it will cost 40,000 Gil all in all. The other NPC who is selling Movie Spheres will sell 50 Movie Sphere for a total of 250,000 Gil. So in order to buy everything, you will need a total of 426,000 Gil. If you want to save the money, you can save first then reload after you have bought everything. Money isn't really a problem though later in the game when you have unlocked the Monster Arena. Check the section above for details on how to earn gil fast. This trophy can only be obtained once you have unlocked the 4th trial of the Chocobo Trainer which is the Catcher Chocobo Training Course. Earning this trophy requires some skill and a bit of luck since the balloons spawns at different placing every time you try the course and the birds spawn rate is very random. Getting 1 balloon will reduce 3 seconds to your total time while getting hit by 1 bird will add 3 seconds to your total time. In order to get a time of 0:0:0 seconds, you should beat the chocobo trainer with a time of at least 36 seconds and getting 13 to 15 balloons while not getting hit by a bird. I got this trophy with a time of 37 seconds, 15 balloons collected and got hit by 2 birds. The only tip I can give you is that at the start of the race, if the starting balloons spawns at the lane of the trainer, do not try to overtake her because you will just get pushed back and she will be able to get ahead of you and collect the rest of the starting balloons. When you reach the large open area and when you see birds coming near you while you are venturing near a balloon, its best if you leave that balloon and dodge the bird instead. This trophy is actually quite easy to do and you can even be surprised by it. The highest chance this trophy will pop out assuming you are just playing though the storyline is when you get to Bevelle. Characters that have a lot of Strength Sphere on their grid could start dealing 9999 Critical damage around this point and your Aeons should be dealing 9999 Damage with their Overdrives around this point. Bribe is a Special ability that you can learn on Rikku's path and the advantage of bribing monsters is that not only they will just go away without fighting, they will also leave items that are hard to farm and just steal. In order to make this trophy pop, you simply will just bribe a monster with 100,000 Gil but you can save this trophy later so that you will not waste that gil you will use and just use it when you already have access to the Monster Arena and have captured every type of fiend. You will be using this special ability for getting items for abilities like Auto-Haste. NOTE: If the bribe misses you can just bribe the fiend with 1 Gil until it goes away Machea Location: Omega Ruins Bribe Amount: 380,000 Gil Item Drop when Bribed: 50-60 Chocobo Wings which you can use for Auto-Haste Ghost Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Bribe Amount: 200,000 Gil Item Drop when Bribed: 35-40 Mega Phoenix which you can use for Auto-Phoenix Maelspike Location: Gagazet Mountain Cave Bribe Amount: 100,000 Gil Item Drop when Bribed: 1 Attribute Sphere which can help you activate those Luck Spheres There are 10 Jecht Spheres scattered around Spira for you to collect. You will only be able to start collecting these spheres once you have defeated the Spherimorph boss at Macalania Woods. After that you will automatically get your first Jecht Sphere. The Jecht Spheres are luckily not missable but I have to warn you about the sphere which is at Besaid since it will become hard for you to collect it when you will have access to the airship. I recommend going back for it as soon as you get the first Jecht Sphere to save you the trouble of having to fight a Dark Aeon and also get the other Jecht Spheres along the way back to Besaid. This way you can learn all of Auron's overdrive immediately. Rewards that you will get for collecting Jecht Spheres is that Auron will learn new Bushido Overdrives. Go pass the elevator and go south to find this sphere. Southern most part of the Old Road. After the Ronso battle, at the second monument you will spot. Instead of going left, continue forward to find a small path and finally the last sphere required for this trophy. First off you need the Celestial Weapons here because fully upgraded Celestial Weapons will have the Break Damage Limit ability allowing you to exceed 9999 damage. As you train your Strength stats, your damage output will also increase so you shouldn't have much problem and do not worry much about this trophy because once you hit 200+ to 255 Strength and you have the Celestial Weapons then dealing 99999 damage is just a common damage output for you. This trophy is only obtainable at the entrance of Remiem Temple. Outside the temple, you can have a chocobo race there and in order to unlock this trophy, you need to open up 5 treasure chests during the race and win it. It can be hard doing this trophy because sometimes you will end up traveling slow because you are hitting side of the lines invisible wall so your goal is to stay at the center of the lanes in order to maximize the traveling speed of your chocobo. Watch the video below for the treasure chests locations that you will open and will lead you to victory. In order for Wakka to learn new overdrives, he must first participate in 450 battles so that all of his overdrives will become available when playing Blitzball. This is best done during the end game because surely he has already participated at least 450 battles, that is if you are using him. His overdrives will only show up one at a time and if you hate playing blitzball, it is possible to get all of this by only playing 16 games and if you want to fully upgrade his Celestial Weapon then it will be 26 games. If you do want to fully upgrade his Celestial Weapon and I do recommend this because Wakka is one of the best characters in the game that you will use for boss fights, there will be two methods I will mention so that you can get the 3 Overdrives and the Jupiter Sigil and it is either the 26 games method or the 36 games method. NOTE: League matches has 10 games to complete and whichever team has the highest wins by the end then they will win the first place prize. Tournament only has 3 games and there's also a chance that you will get seeded and just play 2 games. Remember if you lose the first bracket then you are out of the Tournament. If you lose the second bracket then you will battle out for the third place. Whoever wins the championship match will win the first place prize. It should take 3 cycles to make the Tournament option light up. If Attack Reels is not the 1st prize then just repeat the process until it appear. It should take 3 cycles to make the Tournament option light up. If Attack Reels is not the 1st prize then just repeat the process until it appear. Now play the League games. It doesn't matter what the prize is but make sure that you win the first 9 matches and stop first after that. Now SAVE first and then play bltizball again and if the Jupiter Sigil is not the prize then exit the game by pressing the soft reset buttons and load up your save file again and keep on doing this until the prize is the Sigil. This way you keep your team stats instead of resetting it. For your team first off Tidus should have the Jecht Shot Striker then I recommend getting Brother Airship as your MF. Get Wakka Airship or Wedge Luca Stadium as your RF. Kyou Djose Highroad , Naida Calm Lands and Ropp Mi'hen Highroad are good ones for LD and RD and then there's Jumal Luca or Nimrook Airship as your GL. That should be good enough to win the games. To recruit players, you should have two extra slots on your team. You can keep up to 8 players for your team and to recruit a player, approach an NPC which is likely a player for Blitzball and press One last thing when playing blitzball, when any of your players gets the ball, press to bring out the movement control option. Slot List This trophy requires you to learn all Ronso Rage Overdrive Abilities for Kimahri. There are 12 all in all and Kimahri starts out with his default ability Jump. In order to learn new abilities, you must use Kimahri's Lancet ability to learn new abilities from certain enemies. If you are someone who doesn't use Kimahri often, don't worry because you can learn 8 new abilities for him in just one fight and that involves the fight with Biran and Yenke Ronso later in the game once you arrive at Mount Gagazet. You can get her second overdrive by talking to the woman inside the item store shop and she will be talking about her dog. You can find the dog around the village and you will just have to talk to it to get Valefor's second overdrive. Refer to the below for more details about the Cloister of Trials and Destruction Spheres This trophy only requires you to collect all 7 Celestial Weapons in the game. While the trophy does not require you to fully upgrade the weapon, the trophy guide will still cover the locations of the Crests and Sigils which are required in order to fully upgrade each Celestial Weapon. Before you can collect the Celestial Weapons, you will need the Celestial Mirror Key Item first and you can do this as soon as you arrive at the Calm Lands. Find the Chocobo Trainer around the area in the Calm Lands, she should be near Rin's Travel Agency Camp. If she is not there, head back near the entrance to Macalania Woods to find her around there. Talk to her and you will need to complete 4 of her trials which is required for the trophy. Once you are done with that you will have to go to Remiem Temple which you can only have access to once you can ride Chocobos. In order to go the Remiem Temple, go to the southeastern part of the Calm Lands from the Entrance to the Macalania Woods, go right to find a feather to spot a feather near the cliff and inspect this and it should let your Chocobo fly to another area and this should lead to the Remiem Temple. Once you are there at the Remiem Temple, there should be a race in this area and all you need to do in order to get the Cloudy Mirror is to win the race and you don't have to collect any treasure. Although collecting the treasures at this race is needed for the trophy The quest is not yet done since you will still need to upgrade the Cloudy Mirror to the Celestial Mirror. In order to do this, go to Macalania Woods Entrance to find a woman. Talk to her and she will say that she was supposed to meet her husband there. Exit to the east two times then go north to find a man and talk to him about his wife and child. After that go back to the woman earlier and talk to them again and now their child has wandered off somewhere. Go near the save point to find a shining pathway and follow this path. After that at the intersection, go north and you will find a giant crystal ball and the child. Talk to the boy in order to upgrade the Cloudy Mirror to the Celestial Mirror and he will be reunited with his parents. Now you can break the seals of the Celestial Weapons as long as you have access to the areas where the weapons are located. Take note that each Celestial Weapon starts out with a No AP ability rendering it completely useless for the time being until you upgrade it. The only way to remove the No AP ability is to upgrade the weapon successfully 2 times when you have the corresponding Crest and Sigil for each weapon. When you have the corresponding Crest and Sigil, go back to the Crystal Ball at Macalania Woods to upgrade the Celestial Weapons. Find a set of stairs at the lower left part of the screen and cross it to come out at the top most part of the area and reveal the treasure containing the crest. Talk to the person managing the cafe after you have won enough games. Check the second locker. At the destroyed lightning tower. Before going to Gagazet Mountain Cave, you will pass through a save point and some pillars. You need to catch all 7 blue butterflies within the time limit. To start the quest, touch the butterfly that changes color. Macalania Woods - Central Macalania Woods - North The first butterfly is behind from where you start the quest while the other 6 are just along the path. It can be hard and takes a little practice to know the placing of all the butterflies and also avoiding the red butterflies. Check the sign to find him. Check the save point to find him. Check this treasure chest. He is around one of the quicksands. If he doesn't appear exit and re-enter the area. Talk to Rikku so that Rin will appear. Tell Rin that your study of Al Bhed is okay. There should not be a single blank node in the grid and you must do this for all your characters. It doesn't matter if you don't pass by all the grid lines as long as you activate everything in the Sphere Grid Players who chose Expert Sphere Grid will have a chance to complete this faster than players who chose the Standard Sphere Grid because the Expert Grid has few nodes and thus also reducing the amount of empty nodes to fill up. In order to get AP fast and also get stat increasing sphere, a detailed information is provided in the section below the guide. Before you will be fightning Penance, you will first need to defeat the Dark Aeons so that Penance will be available on the list where you can travel with the Airship. Refer to this for more details. Always have a look at the CTB to use your turns effectively. The Main Body and two arms. First off, the Left Arm is deadlier than the Right Arm so killing the Left Arm first is a priority. When Both arms are alive and it is Penance's turn, it will use Judgement Day which will deal 99999 Damage and also reduces your MP to 0. Your first goal for the entire battle is to NOT let the arms get a turn. They will be your priority first before the main body of Penance. Another thing, if you followed the recommendations above, you should always be dealing 99999 damage unless your HP is running low which will affect the Celestial Weapon's damage output. Right now use Quick Hit to kill the Left Arm. It should take 6 hits to kill it. After that you should have 3 turns left, have Tidus and Wakka attack the Right Arm and have Rikku use Mix and do Hyper Mighty G. Penance should now do Obliteration which will deal around 10000 to 13000 damage. Remember to use Quick Hit as your normal attack. After a few turns the arms will regenerate so you will have to kill the arms again before Penance. So just repeat and kill the Left Arm first then the Right Arm before Penance. In order to heal yourself back to full health HP is below 15000 , Mix Final Elixir since its HP recovery can go past 9999 but remember to only use Rikku's overdrive when it's her final turn. Just in case of emergency, use Quick Pockets and use Megalixir. If you have the time and the party still has a lot of health, Mix Ultra NulAll to reduce the damage of Obliteration to 7000-8000. Once you are feeling comfortable and you have full control of the battle, switch out your Armor to the second one which has Break HP Limit, Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect and Defense+20% reduces the damage of Obliteration to 6000-7000 since for the first armor you will only need Ribbon anyway for the Right Arm but if you can manage your turns efficiently then it will not get a single turn and Auto-Phoenix is not a priority in the abilities because your second goal for the entire battle is to STAY ALIVE and DO NOT LET ANYONE DIE. Do not forget to use Purifying Salt again on Penance to remove its newly cast Haste buff on it. The good thing about Immolation is that it only targets 1 character. Since you have cast Ultra NulAll earlier in the battle, you have a x5 Cheer effect with you and with Auto-Protect and Defense+20% this will reduce the damage to below 9000. So that you will not be worrying about MP, it's time to use Three Stars so that MP cost of abilities will be reduced to 0. Same strategies with the 1st Form still works great here. Dealing with the Arms first before the body. If you follow everything I have said, you should have full control of the entire battle. With this strategy it took me 1 hour and 8 minutes do defeat Penance. Be patient, have a full concentration on the battle and Good Luck Alternative and easy way: Pay Yojimbo to use Zanmato to end this battle quickly. Luckily, Nemesis is far easier than Penance but you still need high stats in order to have a chance to match against its power. In order to unlock Nemesis in the Monster Arena, you first have to capture 10 of every monster around Spira. After that there will be monsters that you need to defeat at least once in the Monster Arena and you need to defeat all of those which are found in the Species Conquest, Area Conquest and Original Creations then Nemesis should now be available in the Original Creations. The Protect buff from Hyper Mighty G will reduce the normal attack damage dealt by Nemesis and the Shell buff will reduce the damage of Ethereal Canon so you can survive a few rounds without healing because of the Regen buff. When Wakka and Tidus is down to their final turns, use Attack Reels Overdrive then entrust Tidus's overdrive to Wakka so that Attack Reels is ready for the next round. Nemesis will counter the Overdrive of Wakka with Ultima but with a high Magic Defense stat plus the Shell buff of Hyper Mighty G, Ultima shouldn't deal much damage. If you need to recover all your HP because it's in critical condition then just mix Final Elixir or use Quick Pockets then Megalixir. The Ultra Spark move of Nemesis deals status ailments but with Ribbon, you can guard almost everything except for Curse and Power Break. Only cure the Curse ailment of Rikku and Wakka then just leave the Power Break ailment for everyone since if you have decent stats, you can still deal 99999 damage unless your HP is critical then this will reduce the damage output of the Celestial Weapons. The deadly move of Nemesis is Armageddon which will deal 99999 damage to the party but since you have used Hyper Mighty G earlier then Auto-Life will save everyone in your party, unless they were killed earlier which is unlikely if you keep your HP high always. Once everyone is revived, mix Final Elixir then use Entrust to put another full Overdrive Gauge to Rikku and Mix Hyper Mighty G again then just continue with using Quick Hit. You will only be using Quick Hit, Attack Reels and Final Elixir Mix here in this battle until Nemesis goes down. Alternative and easy way: Pay Yojimbo to use Zanmato to end this battle quickly. Yu Yevon is the final boss of the game and it is really anti-climatic since there is no real challenge here because you cannot die no matter what because of infinite Auto-Life. Before you will face him though, you will first have to defeat your Aeons and their stats will be the same as when you had them with you. Like I said, there is an infinite Auto-Life so there shouldn't be a real need of battle strategy here. Destruction Sphere Treasure: Rod of Wisdom Head north and examine the glyph then after that examine the glyph to the right to open up a new path. Take the Glyph Sphere and go down the set of stairs and insert it on the door. Take back the Glyph Sphere you inserted at the door and move along the pathway and insert it on the hole you first see to open up a room with a Destruction Sphere but leave it there first. After that, move on to see a pedestal and some symbols at the opposite side. Examine the symbols to open up a wall and take the Besaid Sphere and insert it on the pedestal but after that, do not move on yet. Head back to where you inserted the Glyph Sphere and take the Destruction Sphere and insert it on the area where you got the Besaid Sphere to reveal a treasure and open it up and that should be one of the 6 requirements to get Anima After opening the treasure chest, push the pedestal that Tidus had pushed earlier and go all the way to the end to activate an elevator and this will complete the trial. Destruction Sphere Treasure: Red Armlet Take the Kilika Sphere from the pedestal and insert it at the slot near the door. After that take the Kilika Sphere back and move to the next room. Touch the glyph that appeared to open up a new room. Take the Glyph Sphere at the pedestal and insert at the blank slot you left empty on the same room. Go to the next room and go right to see a shining panel by the floor. Go to it to make the pedestal at the previous room appear to the room where you are currently in. Take the Kilika Sphere near the shining floor panel and insert it at the pedestal. Take back the Glyph Sphere and insert it at the slot where the Kilika Sphere you just took was previously located to open up a new room containing a Destruction Sphere and this should also put out the fire blocking the path to the Chamber of the Fayth. Now push the pedestal with the sphere to the shining floor panel and it will go down to reveal another Kilika Sphere. Take that Kilika Sphere and insert it by the door leading to the Chamber of the Fayth and leave it there first. Take the Destruction Sphere and insert it on the slot where the Kilika Sphere you placed on the door to the Chamber of the Fayth was previously located to reveal a treasure and just open it. After that just take the Kilika Sphere by the door and move on to complete the trial. Djose Temple Cloister of Trials Destruction Sphere Treasure: Magic Sphere At the start, take the two Djose Sphere and insert both at the slot at the door to open it. Move on to the next area and what you need to do here is to complete the symbol at the floor to gain access to the Chamber of the Fayth. First take the Djose Sphere at wall to the left then go all the way to the right and insert it at one of the two slots. Take the other Djose Sphere at the wall to the right the one which is activating a symbol by the door and insert it beside the first Djose Sphere you placed onto on the slots to the right. Now push the pedestal to the right to make a Charged Djose Sphere. Take the Charged Djose Sphere from the pedestal and insert it on the slot to the right of the wall to open up a new path. Now put both Djose Spheres to the pedestal and reset the pedestal by going all the way to the left to find a shining floor panel. Now that the pedestal is at the center of the room again, push the pedestal with the two Djose Spheres all the way to the room opened by the Charged Djose Sphere and this will make the pedestal float by the electricity. Jump across and push the pedestal you will find there to activate one of the parts of the symbol. Jump back to the previous room and reset the pedestal again. Take one of the Djose Sphere at the pedestal and go back to starting point of the trial and insert the Djose Sphere at one of the two slots to activate another part of the symbol. Do this again to the other Djose Sphere which is on the pedestal. After that, take the Charged Djose Sphere and insert it on the slot to the left to complete the symbol and will allow you to move on to the next area. After going up, go north and push all 5 pedestals to make a pedestal appear at the center of the room and this also open up the door leading to the Chamber of the Fayth but do not go there yet. Instead, travel back down and go all the way to the left and touch the glyph that is blinking by the wall to reveal a Destruction Sphere. Take the Destruction Sphere and travel back up and insert it on the pedestal to reveal a treasure. After getting the treasure, you can go up now and complete the trial. That's 3 down for the requirement of Anima. Macalania Temple Cloister of Trials Destruction Sphere Treasure: Luck Sphere Head down to the middle of the area and get the Glyph Sphere and insert it on the pedestal. Move the pedestal to right and it will be stopped by an ice. Now push the pedestal forward and it will slide down to another area. Go down to that area and take the Glyph Sphere and insert it on the slot which is on the left mode side to make a Macalania Sphere appear. Go back up and take any of the Macalania Sphere around the room but leave the one which is making a pathway down to the bottom area alone. Once you have a Macalania Sphere, go back down and insert it on the pedestal and push it the right to make one of ice path appear. Go back up and take the other Macalania Sphere then go down again and insert the Macalania Sphere on the slot by the pillar to make another ice path appear. To complete the ice path, take the Macalania Sphere that is making a ramp and insert it on the slot by the central pillar which is where you got the Glyph Sphere When the ice path is completed, a shining panel will appear by the ice path. Step on this shining panel to make the pedestal making the third ice path appear near you and this will also make the third ice path part disappear. Take the Macalania Sphere off the pedestal and push the pedestal down and the Destruction Sphere will get stuck on it. Head back down and insert the Macalania Sphere to make the ramp again to make a means of travel between the bottom floor. Take the Macalania Sphere at the central pillar and insert it on the slot to the right to make an ice that will serve as a way to stop the pedestal when you push it to the right. From the central pillar, go down a bit to see another shining panel by the floor. Step on the shining panel to reset the pedestal and this time it has a Destruction Sphere with it. Push it to the right and it will stop by the ice. Push it forward to slide down to the next area. Take the Destruction Sphere and insert it on the slot which you have left out. It's the one beside where you inserted the Glyph Sphere. Once you have taken the treasure, you will just have to rebuild the puzzle again. NOTE: If you missed your first chance to get the destruction sphere treasure, the only time you can go back to the temple and redo the trial is when you already have the airship but you will have to face Dark Shiva first in order to gain access to the temple. After you defeat Dark Shiva, there will be an infinite spawn of Guado Guards to block your way. Exit the area first then re-enter again so that the guards will be gone and you will gain access to the temple again. Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials Destruction Sphere Treasure: HP Sphere This is by far my most hated cloister of trial to go through. Anyway let us begin. When you stop by, go left. At the stop-by, push the pedestal forward again to continue and finally end this trial. Zanarkand Temple Cloister of Trials Before doing everything in this section I recommend that you first get all Celestial Weapons and fully upgrade them. After that it's time to capture monsters. You can buy weapons with the Capture Ability from the old man there at the Monster Arena in the Calm Lands and I highly recommend you put First Strike as the ability for your 2 hitters Tidus, Wakka, Auron and Kimahri then maybe Sensor for the third member. Alright so first you need high stats before you even attempt to battle these monsters at the Monster Arena. Best done at the end game. Simply use Distillers or your Extract abilities. If you used Power Distiller or Extract Power then the 40 Healing Springs will be changed to 40 Power Spheres. You get the idea right? Before you do this though try to have a battle with it and if the damage of Karma is 99999 for Tidus and Wakka probably at the end game this will most probably be the damage if you use both of them often and I highly recommend these two since they will be the two members you will be using for the super bosses. Anyway if the damage is 99999 then set their Overdrive Mode to Stoic then the third member will be at Comrade. I recommend training Rikku ASAP also because she will be the third member that will complete the superboss party you will be using. This should be enough for all your 7 party members to have an equipment with this ability. If the bribe misses just bribe it with 1 Gil until it goes away. If the bribe misses just bribe it with 1 Gil until it goes away. If the bribe misses just bribe it with 1 Gil until it goes away. After customizing the required equipment head in the battle but make sure to have 99 Phoenix Down. They will be revived automatically with Auto Phoenix and you can get a lot of turns because of Auto-Haste. You will get more turns as your Agility goes up. When DT stops countering with Karma because it is already near you, equip your Celestial Weapons now and kill it and it should reward you with a lot of AP. If you are still not that powerful enough to deal damage more than 9999 damage then just escape with Flee. You still get the AP you have farmed after escaping. If I remember correctly you can get 45 to 54 S. Lv with this without the Triple Overdrive ability. If you are running low on Gil then just sell the equipment you get from DT and you can get back a lot of Gil right away. Now this is where you will be farming the spheres you will need to fill up the empty slots in your Sphere Grid. When you have already gone around the whole Sphere Grid your main 3 party members. It should be enough to battle some of these monsters. For stat build recommendations I recommend building up your Strength first and followed by Defense, Magic Defense, Accuracy, Agility, Evasion, Magic, Luck then HP. You can buy Clear Spheres from the old man at the Arena and Clear Spheres allows you to remove some stat spheres around the grid. Although not necessary and if you want to save time completing the sphere grid then you can just ignore changing some of those stats. If you do want to change some stats then change those +1 and +2 to the +4 ones which you can get here at the Arena. NOTE: If you plan to build up your Luck to 255 then reset your Accuracy until it reaches the starting Accuracy for each character as you build up the Luck stat since Accuracy hardly matters when you have 255 Luck. Evasion hardly matters for the superbosses since they will always hit you so you can just leave that at 125 and for MP don't bother increasing it since you will reach 999 anyway without the need of farming additional MP Sphere and Break MP Limit is useless. So here are the monsters. Once all your party members got their weapon with a Triple AP ability, you can just sell everything that this enemy gives you and it costs around 10,000 to 60,000 gil. If your characters have high Accuracy and Strength plus you have the fully upgraded Celestial Weapons then this guy should die with just 2 hits of 99999 damage. In addition to Anima having high stats, she should also have Lancet, Haste, Shell and Dispel. Now start the battle and cast Reflect on one of your party members then cast Slow on that party member so that it will be reflected to JF then summon Anima and cast Haste and Shell on Anima but if she already has 255 Magic Defense then Shell is not needed. After that you can just use Pain repeatedly until JF dies. If you need to recover just use Lancet. If JF uses Regen you can just Dispel it. After your starting move Entrust a full OD Gauge to Wakka for the next round then after that just use Quick Hit until it dies. This enemy is actually very easy and all you need to do is to use Wakka's perfect 2 Hit Attack Reels Almost a 1. Gagazet and Gagazet Mountain Cave. You need to defeat this thing for the trophy Preparations: Recommended Party: Tidus, Wakka, Rikku and Yuna but only for Aeon sacrifice purposes. To get an easy 30 Wings to Discovery go to Remiem Temple and do the Chocobo Race there. Win the race while opening 3 treasure chest and no poles touched and that should reward you 30 Wings to Discovery. This is a one time only reward. You can easily get 99 Dark Matter by unlocking Ultima Buster at the Monster Arena. Ultima Buster requires you to capture 5 of every monster from every area around Spira and also Inside Sin. If the bribe misses just bribe it with 1 Gil until it goes away. If the bribe misses just bribe it with 1 Gil until it goes away. After that for the other 2 members, you can get an Armor with Break HP Limit and Ribbon from Dark Valefor and Dark Yojimbo. The other Dark Aeons will still give you armors with Break HP Limit and Ribbon but I'm not sure if those two abilities are on one armor since from my experience, it's either Ribbon with an Auto-Ability or Break HP Limit with an Auto-Ability. Dark Valefor and Dark Yojimbo are still your best chance to get an Armor with both Break HP Limit and Ribbon combined. With 255 Strength you can just use a Perfect 2 Hit Attack Reels on Dark Valefor and after a few Quick Hits she will be going down for an easy victory. I recommend that you save first before heading into this battle so that you can get an Armor with both Break HP Limit and Ribbon for one of the members of your main party. Alternative and easy way: Pay Yojimbo to use Zanmato to end this battle quickly. Dark Ifrit Location: Bikanel Island - Sanubia Desert - West. Go back to the area which used to be the entrance to the Al Bhed Home. There will be a man standing around and when you talk to him he will be saying something about helping him find his lost daughter. Start off this battle by Rikku mixing Hyper Might G then have everyone use Quick Hits and when everyone is on their last turn, use Attack Reels and Blitz Ace. Dark Ifrit's physical counter attacks can really hurt even with 255 Defense so Protect is needed to reduce the damage. If someone dies recast Auto-Life and Protect immediately. Once Dark Ifrit's OD Gauge is full, switch out to Yuna and summon an Aeon to be sacrificed for Dark Ifrit's Hellfire. After that resume by hitting him wth Quick Hits and use Attack Reels and Blitz Ace often when Tidus and Wakka's OD Gauge is full. Alternative and easy way: Pay Yojimbo to use Zanmato to end this battle quickly. Dark Ixion Location: Thunder Plains - North. From the Travel Agency head north and you should spot a soldier by the lightning tower. Talk to the soldier and there will be summoners that will appear and summon Dark Ixion. Save your ODs for the second battle and just focus on using Quick Hit. Dark Ixion's physical attacks can cause Sleep but this will be guarded by Ribbon. When Dark Ixion's OD gauge is full, don't bother switching out to Yuna because Dark Ixion won't be using Thor's Hammer just yet and he will just use Aerospark. After he goes down for the first time, you need to catch him around the plains for the second battle 2nd Battle Again start off with Hyper Mighty G because Aerospark is now one of Ixion's regular moves which can instantly kill someone and his OD will be Thor's Hammer now. His physical attacks still causes sleep and now also a full break. Time to use those OD but I recommend only using Attack Reels and have Tidus Entrust his full OD to Wakka for another round of Attack Reels then keep on using Quick Hit after that. If Dark Ixion's OD is full switch out to Yuna to summon an Aeon to block it. Alternative and easy way: Pay Yojimbo to use Zanmato to end this battle quickly. Dark Shiva Location: Macalania Temple Entrance. A guado will be blocking the way and it will be summoning Dark Shiva. As usual start off with Hyper Mighty G so that everyone has Auto-Life right away. Dark Shiva's Heavenly Strike attack can cause instant Death even if you have Ribbon so you will be relying on Auto-Life and also the Auto-Phoenix ability on your armor for reviving purposes. With High Defense you shouldn't worry too much about her physical attacks and only worry about Heavenly Strike. Just keep on using Quick Hit and also use Attack Reels and Blitz Ace and Dark Shiva should go down quick. After the fight there will be an infinite spawn of Guado Guards. You just have to exit the area after you have defeated Dark Shiva and if you want to redo the Cloister of Trials, it should be safe now. Alternative and easy way: Pay Yojimbo to use Zanmato to end this battle quickly. Dark Yojimbo Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. Warp to the end of the dungeon then go to the save sphere for a cutscene with a summoner who will summon Dark Yojimbo This is where it gets tough. The second half of the Dark Aeons which are Dark Yojimbo, Bahamut, Anima and the Magus Sisters requires you to have a high Luck so that your attacks can connect so that's why I recommended that your Luck should be at least at the 125 mark because if not then expect to miss a lot and even with 255 Accuracy you will still miss. For this Dark Aeon battle, you will need to defeat Dark Yojimbo 5 times. This is actually a good time to get your third party member an armor with both Break HP Limit and Ribbon. To do this, defeat Dark Yojimbo 4 times first then exit out of the area or maybe save then soft reset. As long as you don't defeat Dark Yojimbo for the 5th time, you can repeatedly fight him until you get the desired armor you want. For the battle, Dark Yojimbo WILL ALWAYS AMBUSH YOU with Wakizashi which can instantly kill your party if your HP is below 35,000 and 255 Defense alone is not enough to survive Wakizashi. Daigoro can cause Petrify and can also break that person it attacks but you can guard this with Ribbon. Kozuka deals around 10000+ Damage and also causes a Full Break. Now when Dark Yojimbo's OD Gauge is full, make sure to summon an Aeon to block Zanmato because this move of Dark Yojimbo will cause an instant game over regardless if you have have Auto-Life because Zanmato negates this. Use Wakka's Attack Reels often and have Tidus Entrust his Full OD Gauge to Wakka for another round Attack Reels. After that just use Quick Hit until you win. Alternative and easy way: Pay Yojimbo to use Zanmato to end the battles quickly. Hey man, I ended up finding a small glitch in which benefits using Zanmato on the Dark Yojimbo fight, for anyone who would like to go that route, and thought it would beneficial to add to your guide! After the first fight with Dark Yojimbo, you will notice that you can't get into random encounters. That is because the game sets the encounter rate to 0 once you fight him the first time, and will continue to be until you beat him the final time. But, after the first fight, if you run back to the teleporter, just run past it, and the game will think you are teleporting, and reset the random encounter rate back to normal, allowing you to get random encounters again! This is awesome, because it lets you drive up Yuna's overdrive gauge to try and pop off Zanmato more than once! Location: Mount Gagazet Entrance. After you have successfully completed the challenge again, Dark Anima will be at the entrance of Mount Gagazet. For the battle, expect this to be a long one. Make sure the party ALWAYS has Auto-Life because all of Anima's attacks are deadly. Do not bother using ODs except for Rikku when needed because Quick Hits here deals more damage and give you more turn rather than using Attack Reels or Blitz Ace. The only thing you will be using for this battle is Quick Hit and Auto-Life. Anima's normal attack causes some status effect but it can be guarded by Ribbon with the exception of Curse. Pain will cause instant Death and there's nothing you can do about it. Mega Graviton is also another deadly attack by Anima which causes various status ailments and deals massive damage which could even instantly kill your party. Last but not the least is Oblivion which will kill your party no matter what you do plus it also drains your MP to 0. You can guard Oblivion by summoning an Aeon and expect to use every last one of your Aeon to save you. Alternative and easy way: Pay Yojimbo to use Zanmato to end this battle quickly. Dark Bahamut Location: Zanarkand Dome - The Beyond. This is the area where you have fought Yunalesca. The usual drill, mix Hyper Mighty G then Quick Hit. Dark Bahamut counters with Impulse every after 5 hits you do to him and it causes Full Break and Slow but since you have Auto-Haste then Slow will be guarded. Make sure to use Dispel to remove the Full Break and always keep a count on the moves you do to Dark Bahamut. Don't bother using your OD except for Rikku's Mix. It's better if you use Quick Hit here rather than Attack Reels or Blitz Ace. When his OD Gauge is full summon an Aeon to block it since Mega Flare ignores defenses and deals massive damage. Just like before, use Quick Hit until he goes down. Alternative and easy way: Pay Yojimbo to use Zanmato to end this battle quickly. Dark Magus Sisters Location: Mushroom Rock Road. As you pass through Mushroom Rock, you will notice a tall and a short summoner along the way. Go pass them and there will be a cutscene and a fat summoner will appear and ambush you at the other side. The Easy Way: For the easy way to battle the Dark Magus Sisters. Go left to enter the valley area. Here you can separate the Magus Sister summoners and fight them one by one. All you need to do first is to run away from them in order to separate the summoners until you get to the second elevator leading to the precipice. Here you can face Dark Sandy first then followed by Dark Mindy. After that, go down to the previous area and fight Dark Cindy. The Hard Way: For this just stay still when they ambush you and just let the summoners go to you. Your priority when the battle starts is Dark Mindy because she has the lowest HP among the 3. Have Tidus start off with Blitz Ace and let Wakka Entrust his OD Gauge to Tidus and use Blitz Ace again on Dark Mindy. For Rikku start off by mixing Hyper Mighty G for Auto-Life. After that use Quick Hit as always. After you defeat Dark Mindy, Dark Sandy will be next and followed by Dark Cindy. Once one of sisters are down, they can no longer use their Delta Attack OD but in exchange, it will be a Mega Graviton move which is just like Dark Anima's. Don't bother using magics that raises your defenses because you will die anyway and die a lot of times. For the attacks of the Magus Sisters, Dark Cindy's Camisade attack ignores defenses and drains all of your MP. Her Normal attack is deadly and sometimes deals a critical damage. If she is the only one with a full OD gauge then she will use Mega Graviton which is the same as Dark Anima. For Dark Sandy, Razzia ignores defense and expect it to hit 99999 damage. Her normal attack is the same as Dark Cindy and expect it to be deadly also. If she is the only one with a full OD gauge then she will use Mega Graviton which is the same as Dark Anima. Dark Mindy uses Calamity which inflicts various status ailments but you can guard this with Ribbon with the exception of Curse. Dark Mindy's Passado attack will cause an instant death to a character she targets. Like the others, if she is the only one with a full OD gauge then she will use Mega Graviton which is the same as Dark Anima. If the three of them happens to have their OD Gauge Full then they will use Delta Attack and expect it to kill your whole party and this attack also negates Auto-Life just like the Zanmato of Dark Yojimbo so if this happens, summon an Aeon to guard it. Alternative and easier way: Pay Yojimbo to use Zanmato to end this battle quickly.